Total Satisfaction Guarantee

Xerox offers a Total Satisfaction Guarantee that protects your decision! Quite simply, it’s the best guarantee in the industry.

The Total Satisfaction Guarantee* provides that, if you are not satisfied with any Xerox equipment, Xerox will, at your request, replace it without charge with an identical model or, at the option of Xerox, Xerox equipment with comparable features and capabilities. Except for previously installed equipment, the Total Satisfaction Guarantee is effective for three years following the equipment’s installation date, unless the equipment is financed by Xerox for more than three years, in which case the Total Satisfaction Guarantee is effective during the initial term of the Xerox financing.

For previously installed equipment, the Total Satisfaction Guarantee is effective for one year.

The Total Satisfaction Guarantee only applies to equipment that is continuously maintained by Xerox or its authorized representatives under a Xerox warranty or Xerox maintenance plan.

We make this offer to demonstrate that our measure of quality is our Customers’ Satisfaction.