Comprehensive Security

Unrivaled security for total peace of mind.

Protect your confidential information.
Safeguard all sensitive data with encrypted PDF files for scanning; complete hard drive encryption, compliant with the 256-bit AES FIPS 140-2 standard; and Image Overwrite with a 3-pass scrub process to ensure total deletion of all data fragments.

Prevent Unauthorized Access.
Permit only authorized users to access the device with Xerox user permissions, network authentication, IP filtering, smart card, role-based, and function-level login.

Manage threats proactively.
As new threats emerge, Xerox proactively monitors security clearinghouses for new vulnerabilities and provides patches when necessary, ensuring your equipment stays current and your data is kept safe. Plus, you can receive up-to-the-minute updates via RSS feeds and stay informed via

Stay compliant with regulations.
Most WorkCentre series devices comply with the latest security standards across industries, including government, finance, and healthcare. These include Common Criteria, HIPAA, Data Protection Act, COBIT, and more. These devices can conform to any standard, with controls available to match your needs.

Gain complete visibility.
Prevent IP theft and ensure non-repudiation by having total visibility into the device and network. With security policy management and tracking of all activity on the device with Audit Log, you can know who accessed what, when, and details of every interaction with the device.