No matter how good we get at computers, there are always questions that remain. And this is because not every piece of hardware is the same. Companies put out different pieces of tech that do different things. But not only that, the way that they work is vastly different from the next model. They’re kind of like cars or anything else in the world that is different from other company specs. Today, we’re going to shine a light on copiers and address a few questions that you may have when using them.
How can I print envelopes?
It’s one thing to print in color or print in black and white, but sometimes you need a different order. Maybe you need to print an envelope. When it comes to printing envelopes it’s important to understand your machine’s specific configuration. And we’re talking specifically about knowing the envelope size and thickness required. This will make her break how you print your envelope. Luckily, our training team has put together guides on what works best.
Are prices too high for color ink?
One thing that you may be wondering about printing is the cost. That tends to be one of the first things people think about when it comes to having to use a printer. It almost feels like there’s an on-running joke that printing ink it’s just too high in price. But most of this misconception is the fact that people sometimes mistake what they need printing. For example, someone who may need only black and white ink may accidentally use color and then subsequently require a higher cost. So it’s always important to know the difference between Auto color, and full color. You need to also know the differences between printing and grayscale and other variations in color. The key here is just knowing what you need.
What about printing a banner?
Another thing you may come across is having to print a banner. This is a new feature that comes on certain printers which allows users to print the banners in-house. This means that you won’t have to leave or go to another establishment to get this printed. There are also plenty of guides out there that can assist you in this type of printing.
What happens if I can’t connect my laptop to the printer?
Sometimes it happens when the laptop cannot connect to a printer. When you’re dealing with different devices, compatibility can be tricky. The first thing that you should do is always make sure that the printer is on. The next thing that you should do is make sure that you’re on the right Wi-Fi network. It’s all about connections. And if you’re connected to Wi-Fi and see the printer on the laptop, then you should be good to go. But it doesn’t hurt to ask for help at the same time.
If you’re looking for office solutions today, call us at 941.484.4767 or be sure to stop in at 3449 Technology Drive STE 10 North Venice, FL 34275