10 Signs It’s Time to Refresh Your Print Technology 

Printing technology is advancing at speeds not commonly known. These developments, along with new and improved capabilities and features, can assist businesses from varying industries in enhancing their productivity and efficiency.

A good printer can and should last you around five years or more. However, it’s essential to realize when it’s time to update your printing technology. Whether it be because your copiers or multifunction devices (MFDs) are causing issues, costing you time and money, security risks, and slowing down workflow, or your printer is simply outdated or older than it should be, replacing a printer is inevitable. 

So, to learn more about when to upgrade, read on for the ten signs it’s time to refresh your print technology. 

The 10 Signs It Is Time To Refresh Your Print Technology

  1. High costs for supplies and toners: As your printer ages, printing supplies and toners become more expensive. If you notice you are spending more money than usual on toner or ink, this could indicate that your printer is too old, and it may be time to upgrade to a more efficient printer with lower operating costs. 
  2. Poor print quality: If your printed documents, especially important client documents, graphs, or images, have poor color consistency, are blurry, or are smudged, then it could be a sign that it’s time to upgrade. 
  3. Lack of compatibility with current operating systems or software: If your printer frequently refuses to respond to simple commands or suffers from constant crashes, you may have a print drive issue. As is the case with any other software, a printer’s drivers can lose compatibility with your operating system after you’ve run a system update or simply go out of date. You can try to bypass this by uninstalling and reinstalling the print driver and updating it with the most recent software. However, depending on your printer’s age, these quick fixes may not work, so it may be time to upgrade to a more recent model. 
  4. Frequent malfunctions or jams: If your printer frequently malfunctions or jams, the issue may be due to poor paper quality or an issue with the printer itself. In this case, upgrading to a newer model is your best bet. 
  5. Inability to handle larger or more difficult printing tasks: If you notice your printer can no longer handle larger or more complex printing tasks, like printing with different media or paper types or trying to print various kinds of files, then it may be time to consider an upgrade. 
  6. Slow printing speeds: Multifunction devices (MFDs) and printers come in various printing speeds. If you notice your printer’s speeds are not what they used to be or it takes longer to print than usual, it may be time to upgrade to a newer model.
  7. Difficulty with mobile printing or internet connectivity: If you are having difficulty with mobile printing or internet connectivity, it could be caused by several reasons. However, if this connectivity issue is constant and persistent, then it may be time to upgrade your printer.
  8. High repair and maintenance costs: As printers age, their parts become more challenging to locate and are typically expensive to buy. As such, you may notice that your older printer costs you more money to repair and maintain. In such a scenario, upgrading your older printer to a more cost-effective and modern model is advised. 
  9. Issues with data protection or security: Cyber threats are a constant concern for many individuals and businesses, and unfortunately, when it comes to cyber security, an office or home printer’s security is often overlooked. If your printer has outdated security features or cannot protect sensitive data, it might be time to refresh your printing technology with a newer model offering comprehensive built-in security.
  10. Limited capabilities or features compared to more recent models: If your printer lacks the capabilities or features you need to get the job done, such as mobile printing, wireless connectivity, and duplex printing, then it may be time to look around for new printer options. 

Is It Time To Refresh Your Printing Technology? If So, Speak To Southwest Florida Office Solutions 

Now that you are more familiar with the signs that it’s time to refresh your printing technology, you may be wondering which printer to upgrade to for your needs. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. 

For more information on printing technology and guidance on choosing the right printer, speak to Southwest Florida Office Solutions